Meet Colleen Blum

The Biz Stuff…
Colleen has family roots in the insurance industry, but it was a Google search that brought her to Combs & Co. in 2014. Looking to grow beyond her first insurance producer position, Colleen found Susan on a top 20 list of women to know in insurance. A half-dozen emails later, a partnership/friendship was formed that has proven quite successful. Colleen heads up our Individual Division, where we specializes in individual health, life, and disability needs. But she’s also a whiz at group benefits, too. Colleen and her team work with individuals and small business owners around the country, bringing holistic planning to our clients and the things that matter most to them.
The Fun Stuff…
Colleen is the company’s resident memory sponge. Tell her something once and she’ll retain it forever. (Showoff!) Colleen grew up in Long Island, the middle child of three girls (though with none of the Jan from the “Brady Bunch” issues). Her father was an Emergency Services Unit police officer in Nassau County (now retired) and her mother currently runs her own Travel Agency on Long Island. During her off time you can catch her at the gym, hanging with friends and family or simply eating a pint of ice cream with a good Housewives on Bravo for a real marathon session. Colleen is always looking toward the future and what’s next, so interesting enough, when asked if she had a day where she could do anything in the world she said she’s want to fast forward into the future 10-15 years and see where she was at and then rewind it back and enjoy living it!