Meet Sean O’Rourke

The Biz Stuff…
Anything with a number or a tech component that falls into Sean’s lane. He is our fearless CFO and keeps us on target and growing daily with our amazing accounting team and tells the rest of us yes or no when it comes to spending money (kicking the dirt). Because of his past life as the cofounder of Syzygy 3, Inc., a technology solutions and consulting firm, he is also our Cyber Liability guru. He comes to it from a unique angle as he knows the risks better than most since he’s seen it from the other side of the fence. He’s become kind of our Cyber Superhero (Batman being his favorite); he’s trained the rest of us on what not to click on and how to become more aware of our cyber surroundings and the evildoers that run amuck in Gotham and throughout the world!
The Fun Stuff…
Sean fits NYC, but his heart will always belong to Philly (his birthplace). He grew up the oldest of two boys (he prides himself in everyone thinking he’s still younger), with a banker (father) and office manager (mother). You’ve heard people say: God, Family, Country? Sean’s mantra is more like Food, Sports, Batman… probably throw Music/Books/TV/Movies in there too. He’s a tried and true Philadelphia sports fan with the one exception – he’s a 49ers fan (Joe Montana still stands at the top of the pyramid). As a child, he dreamed of being a professional athlete, it didn’t matter which sport and got the nickname “White Shadow” from some of his football teammates in Pop Warner. Sean’s noncommittal about his day to do anything, but he knows what he’d eat: two combo sandwiches (pastrami & corned beef) with mustard on rye from Katz’s Deli. Yes, two of them.